by Bank Transfer or Standing Order
By far the simplest and the fee-free way to Donate by Bank Transfer or by Standing Order is direct to our Peer Support Plus CIO Charity Bank Account at Virgin Money (Yorkshire/Clydesdale).
Our Sort Code is 05-06-76 and Account Number is 31545262.
For the payment ‘Reference’ please type D for donation and then your Name.
If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax please complete the Gift Aid Declaration below. It’s important because Peer Support Plus will be able to claim from HMRC an extra 25p for every £1 you donate:
If you prefer to donate by Debit or Credit card please use this Donate via PayPal button
Loyalty Schemes cost you nothing
They are a free way to raise money for us and won’t cost you a penny becasue retailers donate a small percentage of each sale.
Please nominate Peer Support Plus CIO as your chosen charity.
Give as you Live

Shop at over 6,000 leading stores via the Give as you Live Online website.
Once signed up you can use their Donation Reminder web browser extension; or an App on your Android or Apple device and never misss an opportunity to help.
When you shop online you can raise money to fund Peer Support Plus CIO.
Please choose us as your charity. It won’t cost you a penny.

Shop at over 7,000 brands via the easyfundraising website.
Once signed up you can use their Donation Reminder web browser extension; or shop via an App on your Android or Apple device and never miss an opportunity to help.
When you shop online you can raise money to fund Peer Support Plus CIO.
Please choose us as your charity. It won’t cost you a penny.
Thank you