Enquire at Peer Support Plus is the name we use for our front desk, the source of Latest News and any other information about our activities. Enquire is staffed part-time by volunteers.
Contact us at Peer Support Plus using the details on this page so we can make sure your message quickly reaches the appropriate volunteer.
If you can, please email enquire@peersupportplus.org. Alternatively, you may prefer to complete the Contact form (below).
You can call us at 07434 614 829 at any time but may be asked to leave a voicemail message. If that happens, please mention a telephone number that one of our volunteers can call to speak with you. We promise to try and return your call before the end of the next working day.
We don’t have a walk-in office that you can visit to meet one of our volunteers in person but we can arrange an appointment for a volunteer to meet you in-person at Lovell Park Hub or some other mutually convenient venue.
You can write to Peer Support Plus CIO at the charity’s Registered Address for correspondence 1 Elmete Close, Leeds LS8 2LD.
Contact form

Our Logo
We are local charity serving only the Leeds Metropolitan Distric. Our Logo nods at the three owls featured on the City of Leeds Coat of Arms (see below).
We are immensely grateful to talented Graphic Designer and Illustrator Scarlett Shearwood for gifting us her original art work.
You can view more of Scarlett’s work at Behance.
This Website

WordPress is powerful, free, open-source website building software designed for everyone, welcoming and inclusive.
Its a CMS (content management system) that shapes content to fit different sized screens.
Used for more than 800 milion/40% of internet websites. https://wordpress.org/

Developing this WordPress.org website
To establish and launch Peer Support Plus CIO our volunteer Trustees faced real challenges and developed many new skills.
During COVID lockdown, Andrew Jones of Wakefield GoWeb generously donated his time, skills, experience, kindness and patience to train our volunteer in WordPress and helped us design, develop and maintain this website. https://wakefieldgoweb.co.uk
At Peer Support Plus we own our achievements and mistakes. If you find any errors or see opportunities to improve this website please email enquire@peersupportplus.org

WordPress Hosting
Secure (https://) charity webhosting is donated by 34SP.com
Their generosity means we only have to pay our annual Registration fee for our Domain peersupportplus.org

Domain Registration and Email
Free charity webhosting for life has been donated by LCN.com.

Leeds City Council Mental Health Services
Donates a rent-free room at Lovell Park Mental Health Hub where our weekly in-person Support Group meets.
Leeds City Council 100% Digital Leeds
“Making Leeds the most digitally inclusive city for everyone.”
Trained and supported us several of our volunteers to become Digital Champions and helped us reach out to and engage with people who were digitally excluded. https://leedsdigitalinclusion.com

From April 2020 Leeds Mind decided to offer only time-limited membership (12 weeks or less) of a Peer Support Group.
With support from Leeds Mind, in April 2020 the national Mind federation awarded us a grant of £310 from their Side-by-Side fund. It helped us witth the initial costs of setting-up the charity Peer Support Plus CIO to continue offering open-ended Peer Support Groups for adults in the Leeds Metropolitan District.
Leeds Mind https://www.leedsmind.org.uk/ Mind https://www.mind.org.uk/

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership is an ‘Integrated Care System’ working in partnership with NHS organisations, councils, Healthwatch, charities and the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector, to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Leeds and five other local places. https://wyhpartnership.co.uk
In December 2020 they awarded Peer Support Plus a £5,000 Grant from the Targeted Prevention Fund which was paid in April 2021. The fund aimed to support those who have been especially disadvantaged during the Covid pandemic. The Grant enabled us to double our Peer Support Group capacity during 2021/22, engaging by Zoom with adults who could not for a variety of reasons attend an in-person Peer Support Group; and reaching out to those who are digitally excluded by loaning them 4G internet-connected tablets.

On 8 September 2022 we received a Micro-Grant of £1,500 from the Leeds Fund, which is administered by the Leeds Community Foundation.
The Grant was given specifically to support us recruit and train additional Peer Support Group Facilitators to help maintain existing Groups and aim to expand Peer Support Group capacity.

In June 2023 The Rotary Club of Roundhay awarded us £500 from their annual fundraising activities towards our 2023/24 operating costs. Their Gift has helped us maintain two free to participatee weekly Support Groups open to all adults in the Leeds Metropolitan District. https://roundhayrotaryclub.co.uk